3 Powerful ways to increase your productivity

As we live in a demanding and distracting world, so being productive can sometimes feel like an impossible feat. Checkout following 3 different ways to achieve more productivity without burning out:

1. Keep one to-do list

Keep all the task  including everything at one place may be your dairy or any to do App. Writing it down helps get it off your mind and leaves you free to focus on the task at hand.

2. Prioritize all the tasks and do the most important first

Always plan your day early in the morning or last night before going to bed. Also give priorities to all your tasks in descending order. Start your day with high priority tasks as you are likely to have the more energy & fewest distractions.

3. Schedule time for non-urgent & unplanned things

It’s easy to get caught up in the pressing issues of the day. So keep a time period in your calendar to do things that would be ignored like writing, thinking creatively, or networking. Also do unplanned work or left out work at a selective time.

These methods helped me a lot in boosting my productivity. I recommend to follow the methods for 21 days continuously to get better results.

Ashutosh Rawat

Ashutosh Rawat, a Digital Entrepreneur, is the founder of InspireIndeed.com. He love connecting with people who have a passion for Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Success & Motivation.

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